Boston area cruise earlier last month

Paulo and Willy were leading and Avatar was there too. Anyone able to map me on Google that cruise we took through the twisties and woods to get to that burger place?

Interested in hitting it up again.

If you figure it out, let me know. I’d be interested in going.

Did you go to George’s?

yeah. but i don’t remember our route.

im down for a boston cruise right now

is that a hamburger place in the middle of no where?

hey now.
I live in boston, we have 2 gas stations…3 pizza shops…AND a traffic signal… so F off.

uhm after the gas station go straight, then right, then left left left at the Y right right straight through the intersection left right at the Y right then left on the 240

Ya me either. I just remember looking at the GPS on my phone and bring in the middle of no where.

I only recall sitting at the gas station after I missed the exit and then that was it.

i love Georges

:word: Haven’t been there in years though. It’s sort of like a Ted’s that isn’t shitty.

But yeah, it’s sort of out there. Probably would make a good lunch stop on a nice ride.’s+boston+ny&fb=1&cid=9604240011164842174&li=lmd&z=14&t=m