BOWFLEX wanted

I’m looking for a bowflex, let me know if you have one for sale. Sears has the xtreme for half price right now so I’m probably going that route unless someone wants to get rid of one. I know a gym membership would be better but I don’t have the time nor a gym next door so I feel this is my best route.

i may be willing to sell mine. let me talk to the wife about it.

let me know, what model is it? sear’s sale is over this weekend i think so the sooner the better

it was from dicks. it is a schwinn/bowflex. i paid $750 for it.

call this number and ask for tom…tell him justin said to call you…he has the cream of the crop bowflex and hes hurting for money…his number is 7245186695

crackhead sale :rofl: