box hat... board at work.

so anyway me and a couple buddies at work didnt have much to do the other day… and our supervisor wasnt there. so first i just made a box with a hole for the eyes to see out. then added some horns on the side. but it was to plain looking so my other friend cut out the mohawk and we glued it onto the box and he also drew in the face and ears. after that we wore it around for awhile… ohh but before we added the hawk/face i went up to the backup supervisor (shes cool) and said “hey” she turned around and i scared the shit out of her, she said i almost made her piss her pants hahaha. anyway ya so that was at the end of our shift which made the day go by alot quicker.

so i took some pics with my cell phone (yay for my shitty 0.3MP camera on it)


lol the things we do wen we’re bored

haha, ya
we were going to make a full body for it too. but the top head part was good enough for me, maybe another time… when i go back to work after the new year.

ohh man thats a great pic haha

lol thats mad jokes… it would have been even more funnier with a fully body suit LMAO…

Sure beats ‘pretending’ to work!

ya it was a good laugh making it as well.

lmao body suit wud be soo funny

haha, nice. I’m pretending to work when i surf TNC, since no one really sees my screen :stuck_out_tongue:

tssk tssk…slacker

HAhahah that’s awesome man. You should totally have made a full suit and recorded an entire transformers episode by yourself!

ahahhah i gotta remember that. if we got the time i probably will.