BPG @ Salem

Who on here is going up next weekend? Aug 11-14


i am planning on going fri sat and sun. prolly gonna be running too.

Buick Performance Group I was only to the track once this year.It went 11.7@119 at low boost.I put a new turbo on it and didnt change the converter.My 60s was always 1.56-58 with the new turbo 1.96 and 2.02.So I gave allot up right there.Owell it to hot for me to go to the track lately.

nice,sure is!

i think i will go one of the days. won’t be running thou, my car is too pretty now.

ttt :beer:

i’m thinking bout rounding up the boys to head up saturday. Kanut, u interested?

ill prolly just be there saturday… no racing for me, spun a bearing few days ago…again… time for a TSM rebuild this time… motor coming out friday night, satrday.

might come up

have a couple buddies who will be there racing their turbo buicks

ill be there tomm!!..would love to run but need tuned bad!!!