Bodykits make it fastarr than fast.

welcome jay.:tup:



sell your car and put 500 down and i know a guy that can get you those

im not gonna lie, its a pretty hot car

ya the people at tops prolly werent the cool kids in high school!!

they got some real sick whips too

i mean jeds malibu and matt thomas’s pickup are some real beasts.:cjerk::bloated:

haha didnt you hear about his new car that hes gunna pull me in?

that mustang he brags about all day? yeah he talks about it every day, hes supposed to have had that piece of shit for like 3 weeks now.

no way he’ll beat your car either way

i miss southgate…:gotme: maybe ill show one night soon

welcome :smiley:

wish i was welcome at southgate…my car is too fast for anyone there to roll with:cjerk:

haha jk
i talk alot more than my ride can handle LOL

thats right because he crashed it already lol!!!:headbang:

lol yeah he told everyone that it was totaled.

guess what was parked next to me at school today? yup thats right. his mustang. its not even that bad. just proves how bad his driving skills are.

he also rides the clutch pretty hard, i give him a month before he needs a new one haha.

welcome to the forum! i like the car alot