Bride Brix 1 w/ bride rails $1000

Asking Price: $ 1000(OBO)
Condition: Used
Location: Toronto , ont
Will Ship?: No, maybe deliver somewhere around GTA
Contact Info: Send PM for contact details and to schedule a meet

authentic Bride Brix 1 seats driver and passenger side, comes with bride N046sl rails… “SL” means super low :slight_smile: i believe this the lowest rail you can get for the brix even lower than “MO” type rails i had before.
passenger side seats (light gradation) on the pic is mint compared to the driver’s side (dark gradation) if your’re a bigger guy the driver side fits better compared to the passenger side imo.
seats can be mounted on either side but not the rails

AND NO I’m not going to sell it seperately. if you want only one seat, buy the whole set and sell the one you dont like.

if u ever want to split them up id take the light gradation seat w ds rail 4 $600

thats teds old seat

yes it was :slight_smile: only one seat left…

bride seat w/ black gradation for $ $300
bride passenger seat rail for $150

both for $400 :slight_smile:

is the one with the black gradation riped at the top ?

no its the gradation insert/cushion. its only being held by velcro strips. that top part is loose thats why it looks ripped. the velcro strip is the white part

i think you can order top and bottom cushion from Aspec

it will fit the s13 right

the rails will fit s13 and s14 passenger side. i already sold the lighter gradation w/ driver side rail

damn will it still work with the reguler rails for the d/s

BUMP !!!

bride seat w/ black gradation for $ $300
bride passenger seat rail for $150

both for $400

BUMP !!!

bride seat w/ black gradation for $ $300
bride passenger seat rail for $150

both for $400

BUMP !!!

bride seat w/ black gradation for $ $250
bride passenger seat rail for $150

both for $350

bump pm me with offers. no more 240 for me for a while.

still got the passanger side rail?

bump!! $350 for the seat and rail

