I’m not a big fan, but someone might enjoy these post preggo sweater potatoes.
I’m not a big fan, but someone might enjoy these post preggo sweater potatoes.
blah, she doesn’t even look hot anymore.
i swear her life is set to fast-forward or something. I coulda
sworn she just got pregnant last month…and she was
17 last year.
The trailer park is coming out.
I cant believe she once caused me to spank it… those were the days.
yourn pictors r teh fuxxored
Meh, it lasted long enough.
Britney Spears is just a perfect example of the magic of makeup, lighting, production, and incredible promotion
Without all of those things, she’s just your average ignoramus from the south
appearently her dress doesnt fit propperly after becoming NOT FAT>
she does nothing for me at all. :?
i like her even more now.
i bet all her managers and PR people were telling her not to get married, not to have a kid with Federline or whoever he is.
but instead of being a pure tool for her label and her sponsors she said:
“Fukk it, i’m gonna get dicked by who ever i want. then i’m going to pop a baby out of this vadge and marry the prick”
she basically did what she wanted to do and i really think that takes alot of nerve to take control of a life that was created for you.
kudos to her
and all girls make shitty decisions, she is no different