britney spears umbilical cord

Lol, someone actually bid on it. I’d be so damn scared when a package actually came wondering what piece of ‘skin?’ the seller mailed to me.

dude sick!!

oh man hahah

thats just uncalled for. gross.

:lol: some people are amazing

ha i remember hearing somewhere that she also has all of her used panties for sale on ebay…she only wears each pair once, then throws them out…but somebody got the bright idea of selling them rather than letting them just go in the trash…now THAT person has his head on straight…

uhhh… he’s selling a wrinkled piece of brown paper??

… could’ve at least made it LOOK LIKE what it’s supposed to be.

i got dibs on the foreskin

ewW…why? :bloated:

he he gross

wtf…i bet hotrodkids is bidding on it right now:lol:

^^ :lol:

Even better,

um umm… weird