
So I just got back from seeing Bruno. I thought it was the worst fucking movie I ever saw. There were literally only 2 scenes that were actually funny.


My bro went to see it and said all the funny stuff was in the previews for it, and the rest was just scenes of schlongs. Freaking nasty.

yup…thought it was going to be funny, nope. half way through the movie I was already disgusted…by far the worst movie I have ever paid to see.

Totally agree with you 100%

I figured it wasn’t gonna be funny

agree completely, i figured it might be like borat and be hilarious but i was dead wrong

yea it was awful, it still sold millions of tickets bc everyone liked borat which was actually good, so ya know, bruno should be good too right??? biggest disappointment this summer besides this shit weather we’ve been having

That was like when Rockstar games immediately came out with state of emergency after grand theft auto 3 hit it big. Game was horrendous

or when ford came out with the excursion…lol (i drive and exploder so i think my crappy ford joke is funny)


Seeing his junk on a movie theater screen wasn’t good. If I knew that would be in it, I wouldn’t have watched it.

So much more over the line than Borat.

Homophobe… what kind of heterosexual doesn’t wanna jerk off when seeing another mans cock? Seriously… wow.

Atleast with borat it seemed to have a plot.

To make up for seeing a shitty movie, go see The Hangover if you haven’t already.

I’m definitely a homophobe lol. Absolutely.

Already saw the hangover. That was good but wasn’t as funny has I thought it would be.

to all who haven’t seen it:

you know the 2 or 3 “awkward” parts in borat, where you’re watching it and you’re like “okay… this is 100% gay…” even though it’s still hilarious (naked fight in hotel conference comes to mind), bruno is JUST like that except the entire movie is awkward and not remotely funny.

in fact, ill tell you the only 2 funny parts of the movie.

bigred knows #1 and says it in a hilarious voice so ill leave that to him

#2 is when he goes to iraq or something and is trying to get kidnapped talking to a terrorist leader who refuses to kidnap him. bruno goes “how about if i make you angry? your king osama looks like a dirty wizard or a homeless santa claus” :lmao :lmao

thats it. nothing else was funny.

Nah the chick whipping him was pretty funny. Him wearing like 3 pairs of underwear to protect himself from her. Haha.

Also the part where he’s trying to make his video known to the focus group when the one guys says, “I’d rather poke my eyes out with a hot iron” and the guy next to him goes (in a southern drawl), “He’ll have to borrow it from me though”.

Also the cage match. Although what HE was doing was GAY. The crowds reaction was HILARIOUS. People were FROZEN in their spots. Girls looked like they wanted to cry.

this movie is two scenes away from being a gay porn