buick/gbody get together 3/31



wheres the other shot with the tow trucks in the pics:D

DSM’s were at the other quaker steak in robinson.

OOOO very nice… Any GNX’s??? I was just looking at those and H/O’s on eGay.

nope just a GN with a GNX rear

and grill badge

I remember putting in one of those GNX rears in a ratty old buick…

yep fun was had
i think dennis kirban still owns that same car

they all parked face in just for easy towing ???

nice pic :beer:

kirban fuel regulators???

same guy

although the car was trey creases form 0-60 performance

tod and i took a typhoon rode trip to philly and hung out with richard, gene and matt

All lined up in front of Best Lie for bumpin systems yo? GEAH!

Good pic man…

My Typhoon biotch, not “a” typhoon. I remember it was raining real bad, too. I kinda wish I still had it, though. It was a clean Typhoon.

look at all them mid 80s monsters

I missed it. Can someone photoshop my car in that lineup? LMK if you guys do it again.


![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/buicksrb4 copy.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/buicksrb4 copy.jpg)



here my buford!!

we do it every month

check turbobuick.com for northeast/pitt thread to participate

april is north hills pitt applebees so far???on the 22nd sunday at 1:30-2 pmish
