BurnyD and JackedUp

it must have really sucked to lose all the weight…finally able to see your dick again for the first time in years…only to realize how small it is…well i guess it answers your long time question of “why is it anytime i mess around with a girl, she takes off my pants and laughs”

there ya go bitch

just cause I couldnt fit in your vagina… its as wide as a hoolahoop.


i thought small guys bought big cars to compensate for something…i dont think the MR2 was the right move in this case

I duno you tell me you seem to be the expert :kekegay:

Haha…I thought the “you have a small weiner haha!” jokes stopped in 5th grade =P

its pittspeed & winter time…enough said

Hehe I forgot about that, it explains alot! My appologies =X

:rofl: a buddy of mine was him for halloween.

Gaping vaginas FTL.

pencil dick FTL

this thread FTL


wow i mean you know we do have e-fighting. :lockd: