

Also, IHOP is coming to 51 (rumor has it) where the old Ponderosa was.


thougth you were safe from pancake places :bowrofl:

uh oh, another food burnyd is deathly afraid of? first ranch now this?

ranch pancake special!!


what a tool

across from the mcdonalds in pleasant hills… mmm cant wait…

well jeff you just ruined your chances of getting a dinner date there

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

I guess the food there is not koshar enough for you?

Well i can see that this thread is for the faggot four group and non of the “not cool enough” PS people…keep it to PM’s and texting u tools

faggot four! Something your faggot ass had all 7 days a week this week!

WOW,ur comment sucks…:stick:

if I wanted your opinion I would ask you to remove your mouth from mac’s balls to speak.

macs balls are tasty, your missin out on the low calories, chubs.

ok mod

come on dan…ill buy you some ihop pancakes…yessssssssssssssssss hahahahahahahahaha

PIng POng anyone?

with your little DIng DOng?

Short dong shlong devin

you can buy me pancakes, after i spatter you :bj: