Burress agrees to 2-year prison term

> Ex-Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress pleads guilty to lesser weapons charge, agrees to 2-year prison term

and stallworth gets only 30 days for killing a guy? lol…am i the only one that doesn’t get this?


hmmm looks like i maybe babysitting mr. buress at work that would be fucking awesome!


thats kinda fucked up

this is so fucked up…

Well it would have been more like 10 years if he didnt plea… illegal possession of a weapon is no joke in NYS.

either way…i dont give a shit what state you are in…

its still bullshit that one player gets 2 years in jail for weapons possession…and the other player who KILLS a guy with his car and gets 30 days in jail (amongst others things)…

not to mention killed the guy while obviously drunk or under the influence…

Well, you kill a couple ANIMALS and you serve 2 years so WTF?

vick shouldnt have went to jail


I thought he did.

  1. Mayor Bloomberg was like “he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law” so u know there was pressure on the prosecutors and all other kinds of political motivation to make an example out of him

  2. Stallworth killed a jaywalking mexican, and had a better lawyer, and it was also in Florida…

fucked up but thats politics for ya