Business card scanners

Between me and my father we have hundreds of business cards and I’d like to digitize them. Are theses scanners any good or is it just a mini scanner? Has anyone used any that they could suggest or that I should stay away from. Any suggestions on makes or models?

lay them on a flatbed? crop… rename?

They use OCR to transfer info. That’s why I’m wondering if anyone has experience with them. My thinking is that there could be a big difference between a “cheaper” one and a “better” one because it uses OCR.

we use a scanshell at work for testing, and it’s really accurate.

i have a cardscan i could sell j00 cheap

a few guys here use those they seem to like them.

then get a smart phone and sync all the busisness cards to it fggt

That is what i use, it syncs with palm devices as well

oh and

lol, nice