Busy May, subtle bragging within.

got one of these:

one of these:

one of these:

Met this guy:

and then relaxed here:

now I’m lucky enough to go back to one of these:

congrats on everything, especially the wife!

u didnt get a racist hallmark card .therefore im not sayin congrats

damn congrats on all that shit bro! who’s the nerdy guy in all those pics? :wink:

Congrats on all of it brother,you have always been a good friend to Dee and I.

gave it to my fianc…err, wife. Will prove it when I get home. :lol

lololol nice man

you married Amy? No shit. I used to be good friends with her back in middle/high school.


I have a question… what’s the first one? Is it for getting out of boot?

Commissioning dude!

Congrats sir!

what’s commissioning mean?

It means he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.

oh shit!!! That’s cool as hell man, congrats! Sorry I’m retarded.

exactly. I still have to do the second half of officers basic. We’ll have to see when NYS can afford to send me. Hopefully following that I’ll be able to go to ranger school as well.

man that is really awesome! nice to see people on here do something positive with themselves.

Cause we know nobody else does:lol

there’s a bunch of successful people on this website, it just seems like you never get to see it because it’s cluttered with the likes of railfailpumpkinpatchkid and failvis.

Congrats Mike. Years of PITA hard work paying off. And school wasnt easy either. :smiley:

and yes I’m not the only one who has some respectable recent accomplishments, but due to the number of them over the course of just a few short weeks was worthy of a show and tell.

Congrats dude!