Butt Naked Wonda, Big Brotha Thunda and The Masta Blasta

i’m so confused. hahahaha

wow i love shit like this cant stop laughing

omfg lmfao he just keeps going and the guys is like…yeah…yeah…ok…yeah… ROFL

I’m waiting on those movies…


You hoe ass bitches

bwahahah, funny ass guy. Drunk or cracked out? :slight_smile:

hahahaha what the fuck was that

i love it. hahaha

But naked wanda rofl.

That was confusing.


wtf just happened

U were watching the newest director of star wars Since we all love space films

funky monkey

“these little boys cant get pussy off thay minds so thay gonna get they dicks and balls cut off buy the lord, and alcohol is good and you gonna tell me that fapn faiinofn fofaiofjoaf pain you feel when you birth your first baby”


Oh ya and all you men are going to be pregnat with babys

lmfao this shit is too funny

master blaster is from mad maxx

bump cuz i just watched it again, and it still makes me laugh and completely confused… haha