Hi all,
Looking to see if anyone can sell me an ECU. Let me know.
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Where are you located? My DD right now is a 97 RS 5spd.
Is it something you need at your place, or would you be willing to you stop by my house to test (I’m in Colden)? My time is tight right now, otherwise I’d yank the ecu, drive my truck to work in N. Buffalo and meet you somewhere.
Hey man, yeah I’m in N. Buffalo, and unfortunately the car is not mobile. I could certainly come out your way, get it, and then bring it back right away if you’re ok with that?
Thanks man!
Ok all, verified that I need to BUY an ECU. 1998 Eclipse RS 5 speed.
Thank you.
Bump, any for sale?
Auto city of buffalo lists one for $125 http://www.autocitybuff.com/