CAI Question

Hey to all the Spec V guys.
I can’t remember if the screw that holds the intake down, with the rubber grommet was an OEM piece or aftermarket one.

The screw that bolts into the fender bulge underneath the hood.

Mine snapped :axe: , and if it’s an OEM screw I’ll go buy another one.

Anybody remeber/know what I’m talking about?

Yep, and it’s an oem part! Just take the bolt into home depot, you’ll likely be able to find the same one there instead of paying the outrageous OEM prices. :slight_smile:

I’m about 99% sure I still have one laying around if you want one, you live close to the South Side?

I too still have my stock intake… I live on the south side too. Let me know. I’m pretty sure nick won’t need his again :E

Ack I live on the northside. I’ll try the Home Depot first, and if there’s nothing there, than I guess I’ll pick one up off of one of you guys.

As long as you approve of course.

Nick you’re getting your car back really soon right?

Yeah you are more than welcome to have mine.

Also, yes I will be getting my car out of Storage a bit later than expected, I had a terrible cold these past two weeks so getting my car out was kind of put on the back burner. Anyhow it will be nice to get it out I’m sick of the Ford Focus. But lets keep this on topic so I don’t have to lock this.

Lets us know if you were able to get that little bolt.

So I went to Home Depot and they don’t have the right thread size. Got something close, but it doesn’t wanna go in, and I don’t wanna force it.

I have to buy some touch up paint at the dealership, so I might as well buy the screw.

Thanks for the offers though, and if I happen to break that screw to then I’ll be right on your doorstep.