Call of Duty 4 modern warfare - ps3

Came with the ps3 I bought, I played it a bunch and will probabaly be ordering mw2. So buy it here and with the money you save, go preorder mw2.

35$ If I Really need to take a picture I will, but you knnow what it looks like.

is it scratched or anything?

It plays fine, heres a pic, there are some very small ones.

$35 shipped to my house because i don’t wanna drive to the sticks for a video game?

GLWS. Try Craigslist also.

I’m in town of niagara alot, that would save you an extra 25 minutes of driving north.

Shipping isnt worth it to me, by the time paypal takes a cut, i drive to post office getting 13mpg, and pay to ship it, i make trade in value.

if I purchase this other guys ps3 today i’ll be PMng you

i’ll pay for shipping? and can you pm me your number? i lost it all my contacts