Call of duty, Modern warfare 2 for xbox 360

looking to buy a copy of modern warfare 2 for xbox360.

I know I can go to the store and buy a new one or a used one, but the price from buying them on here compared to stores is better, usually meeting half between what a store would give you and what they sell the used copy for is the best.

so if you have a used or unopened version of modern warfare 2. PM me with details!


by the way, for most of you, I’m sure you though I was gone for good. sorry! lol

id sell ya mine for $45. played only a handfull of times. still costs 50+ tax used. even ebay has em for 40-50. mine even comes with origional sales slip :slight_smile:

ill get back to you on that. right now i have one down for 40$ used, if you can do 35$ ill take it. thanks for the offer either way.

just checking to see if anyone else is looking to sell.

“Stimulus Package” (aka new map pack) comes out Tuesday the 30th of this month too, 7 more days, if you go on the 360 Dashboard under one of the things there’s a few minutes long preview of them all. Three of them are new maps, Salvage (small snow covered junkyard), Storm (forget what it is, rainy weather though), and I forget the name of the last one but it looks the sweetest, indoor/outdoor map with hallways and rooms and huge outdoor area with great sniping spots and shit. Then if you ever played the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare they included the maps Crash, and Overgrown which is sweet. If it’s the same as all the other map packs it’s gonna be 800 Microsoft Points, or 10$ with a credit card on your account.

i can do $40. cant go down to 35 though. send me a pm if you want it

yea i would sell mine for 40 as well if no sells fall threw cant get internet where i live now so no use for it lol now my 2.7 k/d is no good

found someone willing to sell me a copy for $35. anyone willing to sell for $30 before i go and take this offer?

take his offer thats a good deal

this can be closed.

bought a copy that is pretty much brand new, guy said he never played it since he had no time. the disc has absolutely no scratches on it. got it for $35