Calling Toronto Altima...

we need another meet i just join a few months back and haven’t been able to make it to a meet. Car is goin away for the winter soon, and the minivan is coming out, so hit me up as soon as something is figured out or sent a text msg 905 626 7235.

Thanks man car came in black I had it painted just couple weeks ago…Dont think they make SE-R’s in white do they?

Good point. Now that you mentioned it I’m not really sure if they made them in white. They barely make white altimas let alone the SE-R. Either way your ride still looks sick

ok i’m liking this…there’s about 5 of us on this site and i’m sure couple Maxima boys will come out if we plan with date and location and give them enough time we can make this happend.

What say on 10/17 @ Tim Hortons 151 City Centre Dr Mississauga ON, L5B 2C9

REason i’m picking this location is because meet there every sat and us Nissan boys can show up and show them real cars :wink: (of couse no stupied stuff, don’t want any trouble or anything)

October 17, thats alright, ill try to be there. Is kinda a long drive Any people coming from the east end, wanna meet up and cruise down let me know. Also what time are people gonna be showing up??

Hey guys just signed up… let me know when the meet is and i’m there… Im in brampton so anywhere from oakville to whitby is good for me.
I work shift work so i don’t have a set schedule jus let me know when the meet is and i’ll try to make it happen

im down lmk:)

Nice, looks like its a go. Welcome to the club 073.5SE. Lets get a roll call. I’m also coming from the east so if anybody from the east is down for a cruise we can make it happen.

How about we meet at KC and cruise down there. Let’s says around 7:15pm? Let’s really make this happen so we can get closer to the reality of getting our own club going.

Copy and paste the roll call in each thread

  1. Midnite2.5s (Derrick)
  1. Midnite2.5s (Derrick)
  2. Dawodu ( Matt )

Guys i started a new thread so everyone can see this meet, don’t think alot of ppl come in to this topic

but sign up there and i’ll be posting this on Maxima site if Derrick doesn’t beat me to it :wink:

  1. Midnite2.5s (Derrick)
  2. Dawodu ( Matt )
  3. 073.5SE (J)

Yo J, the roll call was moved to This link. I added your name on the roll call