I hate to break it to you guys but I am pretty sure he took the car off the road already.
It’s nice that your finally ready to go but your a little too late my man. I have no intentions of even starting my car for the rest of the year unless its to move it out of the way for sumthin I gota bring in my rec room and even then I’d prolly just push it in neutral. Maybe next year…
booo. no fun. its barely september :lol:
Word, and I was bored with it around March. Thats prolly why I drove it like 5 times all year. I’m outta the game for now. Like I said b4, maybe next yr.
hey turbo my broS car should be done this week so im sure he will want to play with ya
sounds good…im always up for some runs…:tup:
tonights not looking good for me tho…kinda busy
Oh yea Mario’s car “should be ready next week”… :roll:
You guys sound like a broken record with that shit seriously:tdown:
What do you care?? Seriously… your out of the game yO
My money plz
Bottom line is a fast car comes out and justin gets scared and pulls the old “my car is off the road”. So your not going to race the “motor built by retards”?
take it to the track bitches… you dont need to be on the road there
i want to see the p00pra, choda, and turbo race
OCTOBER 8TH LANCASTER SPEEDWAY… you can run them there… my car club is hosting an event… more info on www.theroadswines.org (some of proceeds go to hospice of wny)