
:smiley: :naughty: :mullet: :beer: :bigthumb:

its gonna be sick mexican…cant wait

It already is sick

I gave it sars the other day.

sounds good buddy, can’t wait to see it on the road

sounds like a v8

but it does sound good

can’t wait to see it run

sooooooooo when do I get to drive it?


i am sure the wait will be worth it

awesome! I get most excited seeing you sit on the shifter.

bout time!

nice, love the sound

hahah ya tell me about it

Saw it yesterday. Looking and sounding good.
SoLow said, he was “kicking some puppies.” :smiley:

:smiley: He was kickin a bunch of puppies yesterday …:rofl:

and that was a 1-3 shift