Camel Snus

Has anybody ever tried these before? They are little refrigerated tins with flavored tobacco inside of a teabag. You put them in your lip and suck on the juices (no spitting required). I hate tobacco but the flavor that these things give off is something else. I know they aren’t great for your health, but when used in moderation they’re just like anything else.

I like to keep a pack inside the hole in my mouth where my wisdom teeth used to be. Then I just bite down on the teabag every once in a while and it releases an absolutely breathtaking burst of flavor. It clears my sinuses out too, so win-win. :excited

What I like especially is how it leaves a great feeling in your mouth. I’m on a tin of “mellow” right now and it tastes phenomenal. It’s nothing like after smoking a cigarette or using traditional chewing tobacco. I can’t even really describe it, but let’s just say if you go up to a girl you like and she catches a whiff of your breath, she will NOT be disappointed.


I actually tried one that Pauly had one time and they arent bad at all.

It’s basically dip for pussies. haha

I like em alot better than traditional chew. Dont hafta worry about swallowing and whatnot. Very good drunk product!

Oh man, the WORST is when you are sloshed and someone offers you a dip that you drunkenly swallow seconds later…

Whats the price rang on these things?

It appears the evil tobacco companies are getting the exact reaction they wanted. Muahahaha

I bought a tin at the gulf station on central ave and it was ~5 bucks with tax.

So how is the risk of mouth cancer compared to regular dip?

Ive never done either one.

it’s not known to the state of cali afaik so we’re good.

Did this last year when they came out…

good shit… doesnt taste like ass and it worked great while i was at work

if you were not a smoker or a chewer by nature i suggest you dont do it at all because its just as addicting as ciggarets if you use it regularly

waste of money

Pauly just came over with some, delicious!! :lol

i used em to stop smokin dont swallow to much as it gave me the shits .but def a good product

You quit smoking?

for about 2 days lololol

I know alot of people that did that and were total pricks the entire time they quit smoking before they started again.

I didnt want to be anywhere near one of my supervisors when he tried to quit.

neither did the wife lolol

like already stated, they are great when you are drunk… no swallowing and the usual projectile vomit seconds later :shifty i also like putting one in during class, no spitting make it easy to hide.

i havent tried any other flavors besides “frost” but i like it a lot so will probably stick with it

LOL ive had my share of ralphs due to drunken chewing haha, but i still like regular chewing tobacco better than these, although you have to spit, but if you put 3 or 4 of these in your mouth at once it doesnt taste too great when you swallow it :wierd.

yup definately gives you the shits but not as bad as reg dip, i can feel the shit dropping in my lower intestine as soon as i open the tin :lol

x2, i used to do these in class to keep me awake, they give off a nice tingle in your lip, i have since then upgraded to skoal/cope wintergreen for in class as none of my teachers care.