camera guys....

please tell me why soemone would want a lens like this
please post pics of photos taken by this lens
please tell me why it costs as much as an m3|65%3A3|39%3A1|240%3A1318

No clue why someone would want one, i think the effect is ridicules, the fisheye effect is handled very nicely by nikons 10.5 fisheye (much cheaper). reason for the price ? Low aperture, VERY rare lens, and fisheyes are never cheap. This is also regarded as the “super” fisheye and being 6mm it can almost look backwards.

i so would buy it is it wasent s much just to have that huge thing on my camera. haha

Because some people have more money than brains.


not to mention is most likely weights 60 pounds…
that photo isnt my style either…
but i do understand that theses leses are expensive and amazing in every way…but i could have a hell of a weekend in vegas for 34grand…

Yeah that and 220° shooting angle, hello single frame panoramas.

Looks like you took a picture of the mirrors they put at corners of hallways so people dont run into eachother.

HAHA It does, photo was tagged as being taken with the 6mm Fisheye though.

yes it does, except you cant see the camera man…

i wanna step on the lens with shoes made out of hammers