cameras/computers/iphone 4s for sale

canon eos rebel - $100

nikon d3000 - $250

verizon iphone 4s 16gb - $250

hp 17" laptop w windows 7 - $150

Acer laptop w windows 7 - $150

Also have an ADT survaillence system with a 250gb DVR and 4 slim infared bullet cameras - $140

Can you get me the model numbers for the laptops? Been looking to pick one up

Interested in the survalance system can u get me the model number?

hp was sold, acer is PEW71, also have a pretty nice elite book im putting a new hard drive in, should be done in a few days.

I want the cameras can I get them tonight 518 364 6706call me

Specs on the elitebook? depending on what it is and how much you want i’d take it withouth the HDD

what a wierdo

Picked up the EliteBook!

Thanks a lot dude!