Cant wait to see thiss

StreeFighter from Z31Performance, also fabricator at boost logics latest work…

For the R35


It’s a tight fit, but I think it will all work out pretty well. Opinions?

thats hot

have fun wrappin those motherfuckers…lol

Fabricator could have done a lot better at not cheating some of the bends in the headers. Merge could stand to be far better, but space constraints seemed to plague the fab so it’s plausible at least. Looks like it’s going to be fun otherwise :slight_smile:

Cheated cut = term used to describe a cut made across a bend that’s not through the center of the bend, or CLR(center line radius). Pic below, black line is a cheated cut

BTW, will some mod with supporting power in this forum please move this to the DIY/Fab section where it now belongs belongs.

not sure how i feel about this

youve built 10 just as nice?

Excuse me?


you have exceeded said build quality on the manifolds youve made?

Um, yeah.

You’re telling me, as a moderator of the fab section, that you cannot see some cheated cuts and the less than superb merge of one of the manifolds depicted above???

The merge is understandable, as I completed stated above that space constraints of the car in question obviously placed a huge strain on the design.

Cheated bends though…that 100% questionable.


i definately noticed the cheated cuts, and although there is a “less than superb merge” i definately see it benefitting the scavanging effect at the wastegate merge. this is a pretty reasonable setup and should have no problem spinning both billet wheeled 5857’s. nit picking someone elses work is natural, but in reality small sacrifices have to be made when space is a factor. i personally dont think id be able to convince a GTR owner to whip out the old sawz-all just because those 2 bends aren’t flowing into eachother in perfect harmony. excellent eye on the flaw and i commend you for noticing it, but understand there are certain obstacles you have to just deal with when your producing a new turbo kit for a production car that people are not going to want to hack up to make things fit. fact of the matter is, this car will make great power, hold boost unbelievably well, and nobody is gonna blame low dyno numbers on that rediculously small cheated cut. so relaxx

I’m perfectly relaxed good sir, and I emphasize in the fact that I stated in my first post the likely reasoning behind said flaws was in fact lack of space on the particular vehicle. Points bulletin I agree with you, especially in regards to slicing and dicing an R35 and the difference in tolerance and design levels between production parts and one off race components. Can’t make money if no one can afford to buy the product due to excessive R&D being rolled over to the customer. It is certainly, a reasonable setup and is most definitely going to be fun for the car so equipped :wink:

We’ll leave it at that. Carry on! :slight_smile:

on top of it all your just kinda wierd too. :rofl

what just happened in here…

an e-scuffle. and your next!

Me. weird. nahhhhhh :rofl BTW, have we ever actually met in person :lol

You no understand…this is fabricator talk…leave …:lol

yes dad :cry:

perfection is an obsession. Some have it, some dont/

In all seriousness, this could be picked apart if we wanted to… they skipped a simple task that would/could help eliminate boost creep, etc… but there are mean people in here so I am leaving.

probably not.