Car Audio-subs and amp

Looking to put somethin in the e46. 10"s preferably or maybe 12"s. no preference on brand as long as its not crap. same goes for the amp. dosent have to be crazy loud just want a nice quality sound. no box needed my buddy is a brain when it comes to building boxes and tuning these things in. lemme know what you have model numbers good too and a price. thanks.

also: if anyone has a newer 02+ business cd radio for the e46 with mode button let me know, im looking for one.

Rockford fosgate 800rms amp. 1 infinity 10 inch subwoofer. I would be willing to sell for 200 bucks. Lmk

pm sent.

if you want pioneer sub, concept amp, bampass box, let me know. the mix of the sub/box, give it a decent sound. nothing amazing but it aids a good amount to the bass.