Car Is Getting Closer

lol YES i am not the only angry one

hahaha…no more angry mods…

Yeah matt the car is looking good. Saw the head the other day when i was down there, looks nice. Cant wait to see it done.

Nothing makes a man happier than getting good head. Especially if he hasn’t driven his car in a while. :smiley:

Grats yeah bastard!

It getting put on this weekend… :beer2:

You’re gonna need deez nuts. They’re still sittin here.

Bwahaha. I know there is a joke in there about Matt grabbing Mike’s nuts or perhaps Mike holding onto Matt’s nuts for safe keeping but for the life of me I can’t quite work out the words so I am not going to even try. :smiley:

Yes…my nuts are made by ARP. You didn’t know? :confused: :slight_smile:

Yes, I will be by to pay you and get your nuts that are mine. My personal life has taken an interesting turn so I have been preoccupied in the past day or two. I will be by tonight.



Any idea on about how much longer it will be, Matt? I assume you’ll at the very latest have it for the shootout at least, right? Either way, I want a ride sometime :slight_smile:

Well, I am going to have it assembled this weekend… All my parts except the turbo is going to get put on. Lee needs to fabricate me an exhaust so I am confident I will have a running DSM for the shootout!!

:headbang: rock on

2 more months and I’ll have not had a FAST car for a whole year. :banghead:

:tup: to getting shit done!


:tup: :tup: to getting shit done the RIGHT way which is what is taking so long and I am sure it’s the reason for your shit and Adictd2b00st’s shit taking as long as it is.