Car Is Getting Closer

Well, I just thought I would give the new world an update on my kaa in case any of you gave a rats ass… I know I wouldn’t if I were you… Anyway,

My head is all ported, polished and decked. Don at Hybrid was nice enough to help me out with the porting and head assembly of the springs, retainers and valves. I just put in tonight the hydraulic lifters, roller rockers and cams. Of course, I had them 180 degress out so I basically had to take all the cam caps off and rotate each cam. Ugh!!

Hopefully I can get this on and Lee can start fabricating me an exahust manifold. Still plenty of shit to do but it’s getting there! Big thanks for Mike @ Innovative Tuning and Don, Josh, Lee and Gary @ Hybrid Connection for helping me with parts selection, tuning advice and assistance in installation. You guys saved my ass so many times, I appreciate it!

i can wait to actually see the kaa up and running…at least it’s comin along…

the head took a while to get done though… :rofl:

u better not beat me out :frowning: this is starting to suck lol

damn…you guys need to get the ball rollin and gt ur cars out…this is buffalo…there’s only a few more weeks left of summer…:rofl:

Hey, 4 more months and I’ll have had this oil leak for a whole year :mad:

I was gonna stop up…but naptime ownz me…glad to hear its coming along :slight_smile:

was fun watching the oil cooler go in today :tup:

can’t wait to see the beast run…

one day i will drive my car again…

I’d like to see that Jetski boy… That shit better be done before October or I am going to start spreading rumors that you were cheating on your women with me…:cockblock

Nice man, you should give me that turbo for now tho

yea but atleast u get to drive it let alone see it everyday :frowning: haha

Shut up skunk come pay your bill already…and watch those downshifts from 5 to 2 on the way over.


yea yea…i still gotta get the card #…

Can’t wait to see your car up and running :tup:

ow harsh ;(

ya know!!!

but it will never die down…so i might as well live with it…cause i’m sure i’ll be hearing the same damn thing for years and years to come lol

You and me both, man… I will post hella pics and shots of me on the car nude…

OMg…i want first dibs on the pics…


Fix your sig, prick… I am sick of looking at red X’s…

yea yea yea…i’m at work…gimme a sec…

jesus…you really are an angry mod…

you are not getting any lovin fro me