Car of the Month

Almost all of the other forums i’m on have a Car of the Month poll.

Where a couple people get nominated, then the nominees give a few pics, and a list of mods, and the forum members vote, and the winner can get a sticker, or something.

Haven’t ran a search to see if this was brought up before… if it has been mentioned, just delete this thread.

whitey would always win!:smiley:

i’d vote for him.:hsdance:

I definitely think this would be a cool thing to do. We should do it.

Great idea… if someone would like to organize it, let me or starboy know.


its a cool car after all the body work honestly!

i’ll organize it. just let me know what you need.

you tell me… I would assume you could create a thread to have submissions for car of the month. These members cars could be nominated by there peers. Once you get an acceptable list then you would gather the top 5 and have a vote off. Perhaps do it in certain genre’s each month or even by car manufacturer. a write up of whats done to the car would be mandatory as well.

that sounds like a good way to go about it.:bigthumb:


Nominations will be open the last week of the prior month.

Can’t nominate yourself, and the top 3 nominees (based on number of members who nominate you) will run for Car of the Month.

Voting (by way of a thread poll) will be held during the first week of the appropriate month.

At the end of the week, the winner will be announced.

After the three nominees are chosen, they must submit pics and a small write-up, or list of mods for their car, from which members will vote from.

Summit doesnt have gift cards do they?

what section will this be held in?

also a set time b4 they can try for another…

i think on the other forums i was on it was 6 months till they could re-enter for it and if they entered and didnt win it was like 2 or 3 months b4 they could try again

would there be different classes? I.E. looks/mods/all around/power/whatever?

-i’d say we can have different classes each month(by make, by country of origin, by type of vehicle [sedans, coupes, trucks])

-and something like you cant be a nominee twice in 6 months, like solow said.

Sounds preety sick. You gotta have a category for like sickest looking, but slowest, so people like me have a chance :wink:

if u want any help let me know Aeroking, since i got alot of free time on my hands i’ll be glad to help

I’ll let you know.

I suppose if its OK with Whitey, i can start next month.

go for it!

would be great because we would include it in the newsletter.