cars better be out tonight, monday

I will be up there earlier then too. 8:45ish.

don’t worry i’ll be there for you to beat on…jeez…

you know, i think i still technically have insurance on my Dakota…this is tempting…

I rode the bike today. Will ride tomorrow too :tspry:

me 2

gosh… we rock!

I’ll be out layin sparks with my sweet shitkicked mickey thompsons. Motor aint sold yet might as well use it :eekdance:

Good turn-out yesterday :tup:


see you guys there, what time… like 9

This was yesterday. Maybe again today though, I would go.

wtf nm

yeah im in for tonight,… i will be there about 8ish or 9 if anyone wants to stop up earlier then normal

shudda came out you missed your chance