Does Anyone know where i can find some decent cars for sale on the internet? Im looking for websites where people are selling imports/tuners not ebay or autotrader etc. Can anyone help out?
which kind? Hondas? Toyotas? Pontiacs?
Well Honda’s , Acura’s, they are the easiest to maintain and get parts for…
we should close registration. ASAP. seriously.
Am i hated here already… sorry iam a NEW B at this
eh… that’s debatable…
gearhead had a RHD Civic for sale… also try:
why are you on a Pittsburgh car site when you live in Wisconsin?
I dont know am i committing a crime or something just trying to find some help
Dont mind Darkstar, he hates everyone/everything.
With a question like that the first thing that came to my mind is that you are some nigerian with your check scams?? :dunno:
This forum is for the Milwaukee area: (Brew City Street Machines)
Google is your friend. Know it. Love it.
its true