CFD pics 06 cbr 600rr

Is most of this post edit work? Just curious. Pics look good

actually there is very very little post work done to any of these so far

  1. i had to remove the rig

  2. i just sharpen and crop

  3. is a super mild HDR

  4. just the desaturation and crop

last year i edited my pictures way too much as others can agree to … this year its more about what i do before i take the picture than after

Shoulda photochop a pair of sidi on his foot…:rofl

Cool. Just asking because the depth of field on the still shots is very nice :thumbup

I wanna run the bike

ahhh yea thats the new lens doin work

pics came out awesome dan!!!

Nice. I have the same jacket.

haha thanks i try … when are we gonna play beerpong again?

Nice pictures!

my car beat my bike so you will to chris lol

Yeah John when the hell are you coming back out, what happen to a bar night a locos. i still love you tho (no homo)

awesome pics CFD… you the mang

very soon… im down for any weekend! you go to loco’s on thurs… i will prolly be heading out there one night soon…

ypu didnt let me know on a night yet… now that im back to work just let me know a lil ahead of time and ill come out!!!

idk if this is to soon but Brent, Missy, Pimpin, Me and more pple are going to locos tonight. Come out and bring Amy, Mike and Sean with you