got a hit on my CFD Productions facebook page asking me to shoot a BMW mini … i post these pics here because he is fairly local and might end up joining the site if i do … also i always like to share my work as doing so gets me more shoots from people sending me PM’s and such … anyways car isnt heavily modded but i think it looks awesome and had a fun time shooting it … so anyways here are some pics







Honestly, I think it’s your best work yet.

well thank you :ninja

number 2 shocked me

that shit is crazy man, i agree with cossey… best work yet

Nice! I want a roof rack on my car…:’(

how did you get the last picture? just curious?

thanks as well! and yea i was very pleased with #2

hahaha i dunno if this made me want one but ummm yea i guess lol

its called a rig shot … hard to explain but the camera is basically hooked up to the car via pipes and suction cups and the shutter is held open for about a second … someone else might chime in and explain it

Def the best work I’ve seen. Would love to have a shoot done by you

Wow you get better every time I see your work, simply amazing

5 is my fav, very well balanced and just looks spot on, keep up the good work!

+wide angle, I presume.

pict related, your rig may very.é/Camera-Car_ME6P2028.jpg

Very nice pics! by the looks of it, Little Falls Mill in the one pic?

1 2 3 5 7 and are all mint, great shots

koool. isn’t it hard to get a focused shot?

no… the camera stays the same distance from the car

good shots btw as usual

Camera stays in the same place, using the car to keep it stable. The car only goes like 5mph but since the shutter is open so long it blurs the background and wheelse since theyre moving , while keeping the subject or car looking sharp and defined.

Great shots man!

i am so DUMB i was thinking it was on car driving in front of him, you can see why i would assume its hard to focus

Very nice. Rig shot is superb. My sig is a rig shot Dan also shot. :tbu

Looking realll good!