Big Red's Vee Dubya

had a great time the other night shooting Dave’s car and John’s truck … dont worry John ill get your truck done asap … most of these shots were sunset shots so im sorry if it gets a little repetitive, but thats what we went there to do … also wanted to say thanks to the Dave John and Matt for helping me … especially for the little video that was taken and the help with the rig shots … so as a thank you to them ill start this set off with my favorite rig shot to-date











and this final shot is just a fun snap shot of dave and matt in the vw

Good work

Video? Do share.

I’m surprised you let #5 in there.

#2 and #10 are my fav’s from this set, what lens were those shot with?

Some kind of park used as a location I presume?

i dont have the video a buddy of mine does ill see what i have to do to get it from him hahaha … number 5 wasnt my favorite either but it was the angle that Dave wanted … i had him position the camera for that shot but it was getting dark quick … i think that shot was a 20" exposure … if he wants a re-edit to lighten it up ill do it but ill have to hear from him about it … and numbers 2 and 10 are shot with the sigma 10-20mm … also we were in latham just past the acura dealership on the left

I’ve been doing my homework about video and looking to get into the field in the near future, so I’m curious to see your buddy’s work.

Dave’s head needs to magically disappear in #5 :shifty but it was a hard shot looking at the circumstances.

I see Killabird is rubbing off on you with the lights on theme :lol

Your best shots yet IMO, you just keep stepping it up. Your improvement over last year is amazing, keep it up!

shots came out great, car looks nice, I’m gonna miss it a lot.

Very, very nice set CFD!
I love the colors and processing, my favorite shoot of yours yet!

Im going to give you some critique, again Im just being nit-picky.

1: I like the colors in the sky, they seem almost borderline not real but I like it, it makes the photo pop. I would like to see more contrast in the pavement and possibly remove the building(s) from the background. The road has a good sense of direction and doesnt look like the car is going 110MPH into a dead end street. I can still see the rig on the rear of the car but thats a minor detail. The car is centered in the shot but it works, your eyes are drawn to many spots in on the car, like the wheels, etc. The tail light does look amber because of the long shutter speed but there isnt much you can do to avoid it.

2: Again, love the sky, almost no hot spots in the sky and the colors in the sky dont seem to fight for attention with the subject. Good job with the transparent layer on the hood, its just subtle enough, fades in, fades out, to show the engine. My only gripe is the car is a little tight to the edge of the photo.

3: Good angle for the car and with the wheels slightly turned. I am wondering what the photo would look like with the car on the other side of the photo but not much else I would want to change with this shot, clean, simple, and effective.

4: Focus is spot on, the curb adds depth to the shot. No complaints here.

5: It does appear to be slightly underexposed but the wheels are bright. If you made a composite image out of this one with a slightly brighter road it may look better but the darker pavement gives the photo a nice “night drive” feeling.

6: The sky and setting sun make you feel like the shot was taken on a nice summer night. I do see a halo around the rear wheel/tire and the front fender/wheel seems bright compared to the rest of the car. The rear of the car is tight to the edge of the shot and I see that damn school bus behind the rear bumper lol.

7: While some will bitch about blown out spots in the sky I am beginning to see them in a new light (no pun intended). If the blown out area of the photo is done with intention it can add to the photo. If you overexposed the pavement and trees and tied it in with the sky I bet it would look very good. I like this background and location, it lets you get a lot of sky and not much for background distractions.

8: This shot isnt doing much for me, however I do like the zero reflections on the cars paint. Was this done with one off camera flash and multiple exposures?

9: Classic rear end shot that cant get old. No reflections on the paint, good time of day, I like it. My only complaints; brick building in the background and the front window is down.

10: Im a sucker for desaturated shots, you did a good job using a wider angle and not making the car look out of proportion for this shot too, overall I really like this image. My favorite of the set.

11: I love the tone of this shot, the colors are great and the subject stands out. The only things I would change would be a lower angle and maybe edit out the building and light pole.

pics look awesome!!! def like 2 and 10 the best!!!

pictures are awesome! great work

looks sharp where a re the pics of the truck!!!

damn dude, damn.

comming … was busy shooting supras the past 2 days

glad you like them!

thanks to everyone for the kind words !!! and for the critique KBB

pix are sick,dave you always go over the top with the dubs :thumbup

#2, 8, 10, 11. In that order. :lol

  1. i doubt you see the rig in this shot … as i had it on the roof of the car :slight_smile:

  2. agreed … my bad on the bus didnt see it …

  3. overexposed is the name of the game in this one … i wanted to make you squint by looking at this shot … got the idea off a shoot on MYCANIKON

  4. off camera flash and just some trial and error plus movable light stands (aka friends) haha

  5. THANKS!

11.this shot is actually a composite which i tried doing a mirror of another image so the background is actually backward to make the image work …

great shots dan

pics came out great!! Good work as usual!

omg dude i cant tell anyone enough how much i love this car…#4 is my new desktop

car is officially gone :frowning: