We should lock him in the trunk of a K car that has a leaky gas tank and none of the spare tire stuff secured and go baja in the woods.
I’ve seen this a million times with like 3 differant website address over the past 2 or so years…
Told you we should have done it the other day
+1 nice try k powers
:rofl don’t lie you guys all fell for it.
Trying to “trick” people into viewing some explicit material without giving a NWS warning is an extreme dick move
and no, I didn’t fall for it
Joe the next time i see you im kicking you in the dick as hard as i can you assclown.
That’s what I’m here for.
:rofl :nana
haaha joey fuckin tricked me into a meatspin link last night, then right after he tried to get me to go to this one too i was like plz… tracin numbers is illegal, so i searched google real fastr and found it was another meatspinning prank
I’m def in for the trash can stuffing, kicking in the dick
let me know when and where i’ll be there with the boots LOl
i knew this was bs
It went to mk1mr2’s house? :confused
shut up, you tried it and aren’t admitting it