Look yourself up

Kinda scary

i’m not anywhere on there :ninja

that’s REALLY effing scarey… how do i get it to not do that?? :eek3

Changing my name to Sean Smith.
address is 123 Street Ave
Alexandria, FL.

:ohnoes. FUCK that shit.

found my mom, sister and dad as relitives…

Nothing too crazy.



It found my family. What the fuck?

wow, thats just silly

That site+ OP’s avatar=heebie jeebies.

^^ lol.

It found many of my family members too.

I’m not terribly worried. Getting someones info these days is easy. It’s to be expected, due to the internetz.

it just pulled my old my space page that i never ever use.

damn im dead.

Wat tha fak!

That is just fucked up, you can get email addresses, family members, phone numbers, address, everything you want pretty much.

kinda weird how it pulls up all your members in your family…

I like it :ninja

Who are you stalking Nick? :lol

Only found my facebook page. No big deal

Only found my old ass MySpace page. Meh, not that impressive.

It only found my myspace and facebook, but I tried a few friend’s names and it found their whole family, their old/current address, email, etc…