Put in some names


not on it :tup:

not on it



me either

not on it, but my parents and older brother are

im on it, with my address and all…but it doesnt really say anything other than my name and adress, unless someone wants to pay that crazy fee to find out the rest about me :snky:

Not on it :tup:

not on it!


on it… wierd.

ya thats ghey. I have a buddy that has a killer program thing like that at work gets ya everything! SS# adress phone number credit rating etc etc. Comes in handy if i need it.

not on it.

Im on it 7 times

i am on it, but i was born in 1969, i wish i new i could drink in 1990 when i was seven



I’m on it…a few times.

uhh its pretty gay. looks like a phone book with no phone numbers.

i am on it twice