Unnofficial NYSpeed Phone Directory


If your worried about theeves don’t post. If your stuff is locked up and out of plain sight you don’t have to worry… if your stereo was only 200bux, it ain’t worth stealing anyways.

BTW - I don’t think all the info would be necessary… you could just put First Name, phone, city… if you’re scared that people might be scoping out your crap.
If anyone is robbed I hope I’m the first… so I can prevent that person from ever doing it again…


Each user would enter the data willingly, and be fully aware that the data will be public. Too many times have I wanted to call someone on here … and I didn’t have their number, or I deleted the PM…

I would have no problem giving that info, its not anything that couldn’t be found with some research anyway, but it would be easy to access. I was going to create the file and then someone could save it, modify it, and then re-upload. I don’t have an FTP server so that would be difficult.

If you wanna list your mods, stereo equip and where you hide your spare key… I will not be held responsible.
Hows it sound?

Jack Toepfer


Why? People don’t even put their real names or DOB in there profile, what makes you think they are going to list phone numbers?

Uhhh :touchy:

I dunno, i mean if I wanted someone on here to have my digits…they would have them. Maybe it could be an option in their public profile next to AIM name or something, but I can say that I wouldnt openly give out my # on a public internet forum unless it was mandatory as a user to establish like a classifieds post.

The whole point is that you can op out… duuhhh.

then why bother? We already opt. If you see someone you know in the street, exchange your info. End of story. :shrug:

?? why is there any debate, haha.



This really went as planned.

Optional isn’t really a word some of you understand I see.

Umm… if you want your number in the directory then put it there.

If everyone wasn’t trying to be a joker with their profiles maybe that would help, but everyone on here needs to be a comedian.

There is no negative effect from putting something like this in place, and will only help other members of the forum contact eachother.

Seems pretty stupid to criticize it, it would be effective for those of us who contact someone else from this site more than 1x a day…

Personally I got a cell phone a couple months ago, and I didn’t transfer any numbers to it. If I have something to reference on here for numbers from people on here I don’t see how this could go wrong??? And there is no place for PHONE in the profile… so we aren’t opting out, we don’t have a choice. Only I was clever enough to put my celly in the location box… 8)

You can always enter your number in your profile, under intrests, or location if you really wanted too.

If a bunch of people did that, you could just check their profile.

It’s not a dumb idea…but with the maturity level of certain members on this forum, that kind of information is not something I would necessarily like to be made public domain. I like the idea to make it an option and then everyone has the right to display or not display that information.

Mike Gleeson
(716) 548-0610
mgleeson at rexelusa d0t c0m
South Buffalo

///**** Updated 12/17/2007 ****///


Thanks Mike… like it has been stated in every post…



NO! :stuck_out_tongue:

I am a bandwagon bitcher :stuck_out_tongue:

And I am sick so leave me alone…my reading comprehension blows when I can hardly open my eyes.

OT: Josh told me i live down the road from you… wnat me to bring you some Chicken soup :stuck_out_tongue:

So now when there is a “kill video” that says your name. . .all someone has to do is look up your user name and get all your other info. Awesome idea!!

(716) 316-3440
AIM: Iateglue

if u want it public on the forum, then make a post for ONLY directory listings, anything thats not a listing gets deleted, and sticky it

your f’n crazy man