Cherry Pickers

Does anyone know where i can rent one around butler,cranberry,gibsonia. My motor is very very very close to being pulled and the parts are on there way so im going to be taking it down to hybrid soon and very soon. Any advise will be appriciated.


hold on. you want a cherry picker for what? cause they use cherry pickers to work on phone lines and such…

i think he means the kind of cherry picker you take an engine out of a car with.

Pep Boys 119 I Bought 1 Their Not Bad Fuck Rentin 1


he’s obviously talking about a hoist.

harbor freight has them mad cheap

i picked cherries once.


where is harbor freight? they will ship, unless you want to drive out to their stores… one store is in Harrisburg.

isn’t there one on 51 by century III or is that a Northern ?

i think the one in cent 3 is a harbor!


i thought it was but wasn’t sure, i just caught a glimpse on the way back from the BBQ

yes it is a harbor freight. and yes they have shit in there for damn cheap. engine stand for like 59 bucs.

Damn it, I didn’t want to spend anymore money, now you guys are going to make me go buy a hoist and a stand. Probably easier than tracking down my b-in-law to borrow his.

Maybe we can get a group purchase. :slight_smile: