Chess Thread

any of you dudes play?

i havent played in many many many years… like over a decade… but i played the other day and got the itch back. downloaded ‘chess by post’ and have had 5-8 games on the go all week… it’s going to ruin my marriage.

Marriage itself is a chess game.

Yeah but I’m much better at it than she is :wink:

Apparently she’s playing quite well.

This kind of sparks my interest again (the thread itself). I used to play non-stop when I was around 9-10 years old, I was beating out adults, and then of course being 10 years old all the other kids said I was a nerd so I stopped.

Anyone on here remember the Brand Names Catalog? They used to have a store on Walden and Union where the new Guitar Center is? That’s where I got my first chest set, it was the crystal and glass set, actually really nice. I remember it being 54.99 at the time. How much is that in Obama dollars today?

What kinds of “chests” did came included? Large, small, mis-shapen? Seems like a good price for an assortment of chests.

Wow, between this thread and the fat ass in the magazine, you’re on a roll bing!

GOD DAMMIT!!! [SIZE=2]I hate when I get caught by another grammar nazi, good move sir. I’m not editing my post, I stand by my chest set all day, every day.[/SIZE]

Actually, I think it’s “damnit”…but who’s paying attention anyway?

like a good one or a bad one? :slight_smile:

It is damnit for sure, but I intentionally prefer dammit.

I play on my phone a lot. I suck but slowly getting better.