Choda < FastMoFo

we both spun off the line, he pulled up top

onyx has the vid

Yeah we played in the rain after :slight_smile: ha good run boyz

:tup: to gettin out there and gettin some ackshun goin on :tup:

thats what im sayin, just wished we both could have had atleast some time to get ready…

shit heres a yellow
i look over, “ok lets go”
brrr brrr brrrr (sideways) brrr brrr

no burn out, no nothing, ohwell, next time i know fmf is up to it

:tup: vids should be good.

Thumbs up for 2 fast cars gettin some runs in but thumbs down for the 2 drivers that are careless enough to race at high speeds in shitty conditions. The end of the season is coming to an end but that means cooler nights and better conditions for cruises. There is plenty of time to get runs in so I dont see the point trying to run in the rain. Would hate to see something happen to 2 nice cars and their drivers do to unneccessary street conditions.

it just started to sprinkle…we figured we were both there…at a light…only a few drops just hit the windshield…it was no biggy man…if it was actually coming down ofcourse we couldnt have raced.


Sounds like some good sprints. When I looked outside last night and it was downpouring.

Fastmofo - the tranny is betterer?

must have been a sight and a half. good runs and no drama = th3 w1n :tup:

FASTMOFO - You figure out the dealie yo with the fuuzzio?

talon maybe if u were there u would have noticed that the rain was everywhere around us, meaning it wasnt raining where we where untill after the race.:rolljerk:

"OMG it was pouring here in amherst, so its gotta be pouring at taffys,:gay2: so stfu unless u where there.

I had the trans completely tore down and rebuilt. New clutches, seals, gaskets all that good stuff. Had the converter cut and rebuilt also. New sprag, tightened it up, new bearings and put back in round. Also had to get a new driveshaft I fuxored that up too. Car pulls better now.

nah havent diagnosed it yet…some gay wire prolly shorted out…shouldnt be that bad to fix…ill let ya’s know when I fix it and what exactly it was.

Nice run fellaz

Internet tough guy…lol…i would like to see you try to make me shut the fuck up…why dont you go race in the rain and than bitch about traction problems.

no he is a “tough guy” in real life too… :lol:

You really don’t know what your talking about, so I’d STFU if I was you… cause you weren’t there, and have no idea WTF your talking about.

drama aside, where is onyx with the vid :wink:

Ah brotherly love…and i dont know what Im talking about so I am going to shut up because Im not an internet tough guy who spends 8 hours a day on ubrf and nyspeed.
Jack I really dont know what your problem is. Sometimes your a decent guy who shares good information and displays a good sense of car knowledge and sometimes your a fucking idiot who talks out of your ass and think you know everything. Just like when you hijacked my for sale thread for my 90 TSI saying it couldnt run 12s with its current setup when you knew nothing about the car. Why dont you worry about getting your JDM supercar into the 12s. As for choda his internet cock has grown since he got his car on the road. From what you described on ubrf it sounded like you raced fastmofo when it was raining. He explained that wasn’t the case. No need to tell me to shut the fuck up. Better lay off the boost before your internet cock explodes and your balls shrivle.

  1. It has nothing to do with being his brother. I was there, with 5 other people. You were not one of them. You do not know what the conditions were.

  2. 8 hours a day… not quite. I only work 7.5 hours a day, and at least 3 of those are spent in meetings.

  3. I don’t know everything, just most of everything.

  4. I know more about your car than you do, you can believe that. I never said it couldn’t run 12s. I wanted to know what part of your ass you pulled that number from. Then you said with the HP it makes, it should be in the 12s… but you don’t know what kind of HP it makes, so another assumption shit out of your mouth.

  5. On occasion I say my car should run 12s. A VR4 with my mods should… but right now it is a 14 second car, and I’ve never claimed it was faster. Don’t worry about my car, worry about yours.

  6. His internet chode hasn’t grown an inch. He “just joined”, and has like ~35 posts. His car is finally running, and faster than most poeple thought it ever would. Of his 35 posts most of them are in his threads, about his car, his kills, his losses.

I don’t recall telling you to STFU, I said “if I was you”, and on the internet and in real life I am not you, so therefore it was an imaginary time/place where I was you… and in that time/place I would STFU because I obviously was not there, and have no clue as to what happened.

Sorry if I offended you, but if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen…
