Christmas Party - Are you in or are you out?

marge and i should be there.


I’ll see y’all there…

awwww … is someone going to miss me?


haha your still a pussy

Your just mad because Im not going … and you will miss me :blue:

Clipping my Fingernails…


Sorry darkstar, i know your truly upset now

Ugly Christmas Sweater party > Pittspeed Christmas party



calm down. he’s a n00b.

and a worthless faggot one at that.

no Cristal at Hals?

Cristal who?

Cristal is the brand name of a well-known champagne produced by Louis Roederer. Cristal is easily recognized by its flat-bottomed clear, “crystal” bottle, anti-UV cellophane wrapper, and gold label. A typical price in the United States is $350 or more[1] for a bottle. In the United Kingdom, prices are around £150 per bottle and can rise to £650 in some bars in central London. In the Netherlands, prices are around €200 per bottle and can rise to €800 in some clubs in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, depending on the year the bottle is produced in and the venue.


I’ll be damned! I didn’t see xlogic post in this thread. I was thinking hot bartender or something stellar along those lines.

Pregamerz unite. Happy hour at Hal’s. Word is NH faculty will be present. No shirts or pussies allowed.


f.uck this sh1t, i refuse to let the weather ruin my night out. About to slide my way to hals in a few. See who ever is going there.


enjoy guys