choosing a motherboard on newegg. Processor Type???

if you want to see what todays overclockers recommend, I’d check out They are quite knowledgeable on what to buy :slight_smile:

I just ended up getting a Core2 Duo e6750 for around $200 for a processor
And I used a very recommended IP35-Pro motherboard :slight_smile:

You do not need the pro version if you are using only one video card. for SLI, yes.

You definitely want to go with a P35 chipset tho for the Q6600, if that is what you are going with.

Again, check out the forums over at for more info, and research :slight_smile: Hell, today, I could be wrong. I purchased the stuff two weeks ago :stuck_out_tongue: They have a motherboard section with people just asking β€œWhat motherboard?”