Christmas Party on Thursday!!!

ill drive there… but someone will probably have to carry me out.

Dollar anythings = kolar ordering 4 kamikazis at a time. :eek3:

I’ll be there…cant drink too much , have to be at work on Friday at 7 AM

i still dont know if ill be going depends on finals still waiting to hear my grade… 6bkwik n cutty if you need help on friday let me know i know you still got alot left to do

How late do you think you’ll be there?

me and the lady will be there, where is marios at?

me too

except i’ll probably drink too much

marios is on the southside, look on the main post in the meets section. i posted a link for directions…

we will be there as late as everyone stays! we definitely can trix it up afterwards if thats where people want to go. I have to work the next morning too… but f it!

well if you are all going to be out that late, as long as jenn gets off before midnight we may be down. we’ll just call and find out where you are at.

come with out her,then go get her if she done early!

im still in!

since we both work that day during the day I have to go sit with the dog since he’ll be home all day by him self. I;m not running around trying to find parking spaces in the southside all night. Plus I;m going to be damn tired tomarrow since I am working 12 hours today then I have a damn meeting and just found out that its going to be an additional 5-6 hours tonight and then I have to get back up tomarow morning at 5am :mad: .

If you want me to be pissed of and miserable (which I don;t feel like being) just hold your pants on and wait for us to come down together.

:rolleyes: bring an orange cone to save ur spot! :slight_smile:

how about I bring and orange dunce cap and put you in my spot.


no can do for me. I know the lack of my presence will break a lot of hearts, but I have obligations down this way. Doesnt look like ill be able to make it up to see you bitches till WOW.

wooo hooo…illl be there!!!

darkstar should come up!!! fuck work and whatever else u have to do in OC,MD

WORK owns me for the night!

We’re going to see how I feel… I’m getting kinda sick. :frowning:


Amanda + I will probably be down around 11:00.