Christmas Party

Thank you pittspeed peoples… it was a wonderful experience. :blue:

Pleasure meeting some of you folks

I went down there around 9:30… walked around the whole joint…didn’t see anyone upstairs…What time did everybody roll???

it was a great meet… was great meeting all of you

Jeff you should have called my phone… we were there till 11:30!

theresd fucking stinckers all over my acar!@!

haha…you’re drunk.

you peed in some kind of Resident Evil thing…

ya and now i gotta go to work and pull a double! this really blows

was great to meet some of the people i haven’t met before. cool seeing everyone i’ve met before too!

was a fun night. nice meeting everyone that i havent met already. thanks for a great time whitey



i had fun… i’m game to do it again…


x2 monthly!


im kinda lookin forward to seein pics in the gallery, if there is any to be posted.

we were in the back of marios, not blue lou’s… there was kind’ve like a hidden staircase, leading you up the steps with a sign on the door that says “Private Party –>”

pics and videos will go up when i get home

thats cool…u r the man