đź‘Ź is being grossly overused...

[True story.]


what minority are you and why are you soo dangerous?



what minority are you and why are you soo dangerous?



:no clue:





Just make it clap…

Best smiley ever.

It can be serious.

It can be sarcastic.

It can be ANYTHING you desire.


Best smiley ever.

It can be serious.

It can be sarcastic.

It can be ANYTHING you desire.




All of these bitchin new smilies brought to you courtesy of my amazing posting techniques.






I like kingsario :clap:


I like kingsario :clap:



fucking LOL :clap:



Polls are being over used. :clap:

And Skunk has the :clap:. That is all…


Those are a few that I think should be used more often

:clap: fucking rules, no questions asked. it has unlimited uses

like right now you don’t even know what this means:

:clap: to this thread

is it good? is it bad? who knows?!





