classes cancelled part 2

fred meet at old main ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

we shall have one at old main someday… not on a monday…

too early in the week for me :wink:

the lovebirds need to get a dictionary.

i don’t need a dictionary online.

it’s the fuickin internet. who cares? not me.


no class tomorrow yessssssss


was that you i talked to about the apt? did you talk to your room mate

yea…but hes not here, he went home for the weekend and he’s stuck in buffalo, so i’ll talk to him this week and i’ll let you know

hell yessssss

:):):):):):):):):):):):slight_smile: i still have work at up 3-11 unless they decide i don’t have to come in :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: BUT i get to sleep in! yahhhhhhhh baby.

anyway you can make parking tickets…um…disappear? i got a ticket for parking overnight last semester, but i was just on campus really late, and i talked to the officer, because i showed up when he was writing the ticket, and he was a dick about it. i appealed it and they said its not valid because i didnt appeal it within 7 days? any way you can pull some insider work? lol

I’ll PM you tomorrow. :wink:

edit: PM me the date/time/lot you were in when you got this parking ticket. I have to look it up.