Clay (aka SilverWS6) on my desktop

Does this mean I am gay?

yes :ugh:

hey I was in those lanes before…lol :smiley:

lol @ the tough guy with the beater on, checking out a subaru

Looks its the

LT-1ost and LS-1ost Crew :smiley:

Originally posted by Cutty
lol @ the tough guy with the beater on, checking out a subaru

Looks kinda like a neon to me? :dunno:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
Looks kinda like a neon to me? :dunno:


Originally posted by Cutty
lol @ the tough guy with the beater on, checking out a subaru
That is a Neon. The dude with the beater owns the Neon that I owned that night. :smiley:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :owned:

Hey Blackws6

how long have you had your car and two seasons ago did you attend one of the last test and tune sundays in october and end up racing a bunch of cavaliers?

If so i think I ran agains your car. if not it was some one with a simlar car…lol I was up there fucking around and some how got put into the money class :dunno:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
That is a Neon. The dude with the beater owns the Neon that I owned that night. :smiley:
either way its a junk lesbian mobile. :cool:

haha, told you it was a neon!

Anyways, no it doesn’t make you gay if Clay is on your desktop, but if you want him removed:

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
Hey Blackws6

how long have you had your car and two seasons ago did you attend one of the last test and tune sundays in october and end up racing a bunch of cavaliers?

If so i think I ran agains your car. if not it was some one with a simlar car…lol I was up there fucking around and some how got put into the money class :dunno:
Nope, last year was the first year I had it. The guy who had it before me may have been up there though. :dunno:

Speaking of Cavys, the guy in the red shirt by Clay is the one with the Cavy that was pumping loud rap in the staging lanes. Through a shitty system too. :frowning:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
haha, told you it was a neon!

Anyways, no it doesn’t make you gay if Clay is on your desktop, but if you want him removed:

he looks cool with tha big pimping chain he is wearing :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
he looks cool with tha big pimping chain he is wearing :rolleyes:
I think I actually got to line up with him on one run. I will check my slips when I get home.

ya. you are def. gay

Originally posted by huskysgrl
haha, told you it was a neon!

Anyways, no it doesn’t make you gay if Clay is on your desktop, but if you want him removed:
:eek: you erased mikey :sadwavey:

she has that kind of power :ugh2:

i think that might be me with my back to the camera lookin at the neon also. but maybe not.

CLAY IS GAY but having him on your backround is FLAMING:eek3:

Originally posted by Cutty
:eek: you erased mikey :sadwavey:

Who’s mikey? I thought that was Clay? :confused: